Sunday, May 22, 2011

Anything I Want!

There is so much new for me these days, but it seems like no matter what I keep clinging to everything old. I’m not sure if its graduation or the internal need to not let anybody down, but its mentally killing me.

I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I once loved my job, I had an amazing boss, amazing co-workers, things were organized, no matter what shit hit the fan we were a team and we did everything together. Now, everything has flipped. My boss left for another job, we aren’t organized, we’re not a team, people throw other people under the bus. It’s a complete mess. Thankfully, I’ve tip-toed around all of the bullshit and have kept my reign on what I handle.

I want to move on to something better, something more beneficial to me but two things keep me from doing so; 1) my age, I swear every other 18 year old on the planet has ruined any chance for me. Honestly I am so capable of more than society lets me do. 2) There are a couple people I just don’t have the heart to let down and quit. They and I both know I am the glue to keeping that place together. Without me there would be complete chaos. So do I stick it out for two more months or do I quit and enjoy a summer of volunteering and writing while building my portfolio/resume? It’s a tough call. I think I can do it all, its all about balance for me. And if work can’t be flexible with me after me being super flexible with them then I’m positive that I’ll quit.

On a positive note, I’ve started my own Mark online boutique. I’ve worn the product for years and because I love it so much I’ve decided that being a representative only makes sense. So check out my boutique, some of my favorites are on the page but definitely check out everything else too, I am in love with the Mark skin products. LOVE!

I also may have the opportunity to write for a local publication. I’ll let you know about it! 

That is a link to my store! Visit often!

Anthem to my upcoming week!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Just a Catch Up


People are so dumb, seriously! Like daily it seizes to amaze me how people act… examples:

1. The girl that has hated me since she realized I was like more than her told our class the other day that she could “kick my ass because school was out” ummmm okay? Yeah lets take a real blow at Kara… Grow up. If you’re going to threaten me, I prefer you do it so it actually sounds realistic.

2. Prom number two. I haven’t blogged if forever… but any way. My date to prom one didn’t even acknowledge me at prom two. Clearly, I’m there… with bright red hair, wearing a bright green dress. Not even a hi.

3. This dude claiming judgment day is May 21, 2011 (look up Harold Camping). Like I haven’t heard that one before. I think if they’re going to keep claiming the world is going to end, they could at least tell us how. “There are so many clues in the bible” so I mean really, we should know by now, right?

Other new things in my life:

done with high school Open-mouthed smile

started my job again Sad smile 

yeah, that’s about it, though there has been a TON of stuff that has gone on since I last wrote so lets see what I remember and I’ll give you my thoughts on it, hmmm:

Osama’s death: Victory for America! This truly gave me a deep sense of pride, we as a nation desperately needed this. It was way overdue. I wish I could have been in DC or New York at the time because the celebrations looked insane. That’s how my heart felt.

The Voice: AMAZING new show, just amazing! I’m team Cee Lo all the way people. He is just so freakin’ cool. If I could chose a dude to be for one day it would be him, no lie! Team Adam is extremely attractive (okay, its just Adam) but I’m definitely done with Team Shelton and Christina is lookin’ up.

Orientation: Kansas State Orientation is scheduled, whooo hooo! My journey to becoming a Wildcat is starting!

Donald Trump and Politics: Saying running for President is not a publicity stunt and then announcing that you won’t be running at an NBC event pretty much labels the entire candidacy a publicity stunt! My friend on twitter said, “I really wanted him to fire a couple of countries” haha, well I wanted him to fire a couple of top bankers! for real, that man is powerful and I was very interested in what he would have said later on in his bid. 

Picture time!

centennia prom 2011 016     centennia prom 2011 020