Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top 2010.

So I’m gearing up for ringing in the new year, but I don’t want to forget about 2010 just quite yet. I’m going to recap some of my favorite things/moments, I’ll include links and everything cool like that!


Top clothing brands:

This year I fell in love with I <3 Ronson. It’s a clothing line found at JC Penny, which is even greater because its not so pricey, the designs are hard to explain, they’re pretty much me, if that helps at all lol 


And not that its any different from years past but Victoria’s Secret PINK line is a total favorite. I’m such an easy going, relaxin’ kinda girl and these sweats are the absolute best. 


Top Make-up/scents:

As far as make up ive become addicted to FLIRT! found at khols and Victoria Secret make up.


In 2010 I wore so much Love Rocks from VS, see link above. It smells….. hot. It’s not sweet its more of a “spicy, I could kick your ass” scent. I love it.



I loved NBC’s “Outlaw” but that was cancelled…. so no link, but the show was amazing. I miss it.


Tons of huge movies came out: Eclipse, Harry Potter, Inception…. but I actually loved “Last Three Days” it was a good one, Robert Pattenson’s sex hair is hard to beat, but this movie kept me on the edge of my seat so the award goes there. ha!


Random TOPS!

Top social networking site goes to……… TWITTER. Because I talk to ta select few on my page and its all so random. I can let the truth be free and announce when im tired of sluts, and nobody comments me all concerned like kara, that’s bad, kara calm down. Because they’re probably tired of sluts too, that’s why the jumped over to twitter.


Top concert I attended: Gym Class Hero’s….. only because I snuck in…. and got a contact high. LOL but really, energy was great, music was amazing, touched Travie….


2010 brought lots of adventure, I mean LOTS. But my favorite was road trippin’ to Kansas with my best friend Kamryn. Getting lost on an amry base (sort of) random hardcore techno in the middle of KS. Good times.


Best memory of 2010 goes to…… New Years Eve… yes, that counts, and no my memory of that night isn’t the greatest. JK! There are probably more amazing memories than I can even begin to list, but that was the very first one.


My top obsessions throughout the year included my snuggie, henna, anything made from hemp, plaid, candles, Gandhi. I didn’t think I was that indi-hippie, guess so.


2011 is going to be full of so many new changes. New school, new friends, new place, new life. I’m so glad to look back on 2010 and see how worth it was. I had awesome friends help create unforgettable memories, an awesome family supporting me through everything I did, a little love…. 2010 is a year I’m proud of, I learned a lot about myself and was me the entire time. Too many people to thank for how fabulous my life has been these last 12 months.


My year in silly photography! 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

You Can’t NOT be Happy at Christmas Time

It is almost Christmas! I am soooo excited! This is probably the first year in a long time that there are presents under the tree that I have no clue what they are.


This break came at exactly the right time, and so far its been awesome. I’ve really been in this place lately where my close friends and family are most important to me, and I want them to know that. For my family for Christmas I found a huge picture frame that holds like 24 photos and I’m filling with pictures of my parents before they were married, pictures of my brother and I when we were little, and current pictures. Its awesome, best present I’ve ever given. For my friends, with everybody's present is a card. So far I’ve gotten more compliments on the cards rather than the gifts, that makes me so happy because they weren’t generic at all, I put a lot of meaning into cards when I write them.


Christmas has a way of making people think differently, and I wish it were the same way all year. I’ve been channeling into everything that’s good in life: my family, friends, laughing, NOT stressing. For a while I was sorta down over a person… but why when the best is to come? I’ve got everything I need right now, and it all makes me very happy.


Are you sick of that word yet? “Happy”. Well, I so am, and I hope you are too!


Something weird happened this past week, and I feel the need to share. There is this new music venue I’m totally into right now. The people who own it are pretty much the coolest people I’ve ever met. Any way, one of my best friends and I are telling another friend about it and he asks us if they’d do a rap battle. So we go talk to them at an open mic night. We walk in and ask Aaron (the sound guy) if we can talk to Kevin (the owner) so he takes like up these back steps into this apartment, I totally felt apart of the mafia, it was cool. So we pitch the idea and he tells us, “yeah, yeah, we’d be down for a rap battle, we just don’t really have an audience for hip-hop. We really need promoters, do you guys want to be our hip-hop promoters?” Turns out we get a cut of whatever they make from the turnout. So what am I now? Yes, I am in fact a hip-hop promoter. Never would have guessed, huh?


I’m taking this opportunity as a chance to possibly change my life. I know, drastic. But never in a billion years would I have guessed I’d be asked to promote hip-hop music for an alternative venue. So maybe this is telling me that there is more to life than what I’ve planned out so far. What if I decide I want to manage music or own a venue? And never before in my life would I have been okay with that decision, but right now, I could totally see myself doing something like that and feeling like I have everything. why not? For too long I’ve had a definition for happy, but what’s wrong with finding it? Right now, everything that is going on in my life makes me happy. I’m in love with it.


Things happen how they’re supposed to, truly! Just put everything aside and you’ll figure out what matters.


I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and entire holiday season. Be safe! I hope Santa brings it all Winking smile

I want:

1. A better ACT score

2. Musical talent

3. Things to keep on goin’ where they are headed!

4. oh and a new digital camera (lol)