Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It Really was a Team Effort :)

I feel like I am making an appearance on my own blog, that is how crazy my life has been! Though things have been quieting down.

After four years of wanting out of high school, I've finally reached a place where I don’t want to leave. This weekend my debate team did SO SO SO good. I am so proud of everybody. We have become such a close team (well some of us) and now I don’t want to leave them. All of the girls I debate with have become like my sisters. They are all freshmen but they have literally become my best friends and I have no clue how I will leave them at the end of this year.

I’ve determined that there is one term that describes senior year and it is “rollercoaster ride”. I went for two weeks crying literally every time I was alone over what college I’m going to chose to being the happiest person in the world. I really hope the rest of my life is not like this because I feel bi polar, given some scholarship money had something to do with it, I still feel totally drained. At the end of the week I just wanna have dinner with the debate girls and laugh over nerdy, political jokes.

After working together to finish off an amazing season, I feel like this is the closest I’ve been to having a real team. Every time I see the girls in the hall we still relish over how awesome Saturday was and how we are proud of each other. They have restored my faith in people most days. They aren’t selfish in the slightest bit. They credit everybody else on the team for their success and I’m so in love with the atmosphere we have going. Like I said, I have no clue how I’m going to leave them.



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