Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Party

I got back from “vacation” last night. I thought I was going to have more time to blog throughout my trip but I was pretty busy the entire time out. My trip pretty much broke down into three main parts: Camp. Wichita. Denver.


I went to camp for speech at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS . It was amazing. I met some new amazing people and got to work with some people that have taught me so much already. I thought the great thing about camp was that it totally fired up my passion for speech again. I’m such a nerd, but I really love it. In the short time I was there I really do feel like I had a mini family because everybody was so supportive of each other the whole time. I never felt like I asked a bad question or did something horribly wrong. Their team seemed close which caused the whole group to be really close too. I hope that my team takes that whole feeling back and this season we are stronger because of that.

We also learned new warm ups which ive found myself singing randomly. haha. Only a speech nerd would relate a real situation to a warm up.

speech camp 009

                 My team!



So we took off from Manhattan and drove 2 and a half hours to Wichita. We only got a little lost but we stayed on the purple line (GPS) and made it all in one piece. It was funny, we were in the middle of Kansas, like nothing on either side of the road but corn and we come across this hard core techno station. Kam and I were both like “what the heck?” then proceeded to jam. haha. We stayed with some really good friends of mine that used to live across the street from me but work took them to KS. We shopped and ate good food, just chilled and played legos with the kids. It was nice to just chill for a bit.

The original plan was to leave from Wichita Tuesday morning and get to Denver that night but we decided that we’d split it up into two days and drove from Wichita to Garden City Monday night and stayed there. I don’t recommend it. The whole city smelt horrible and the kids at ihop were snobby. haha. However, the Holiday Inn did have free cookies….


We got back home around 11 o’clock which gave us a little bit of time to rest before Denver. What were we doing in Denver, might you ask? Well, we saw Kings of Leon at the Comfort Dental Amphitheatre AKA Fiddlers Green. The concert was AMAZING. If you ever get the change to see KOL live, do it. They’re so good live. The weather decided to not cooperate and rain the whole time so we were both drenched the whole night but it was worth it. The Features opened for KOL and they were pretty legit. We got a pic with the drummer. haha.

Kings of Leon!!! 037

Kings of Leon!!! 018

That is pretty much my trip in a nut shell. I’m wicked tired but decided to come to work today because I reallllllllly need the hours. haha. I’m sure I’ll be telling random ks stories for a while though.

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