It is easy to believe whatever you want. It is easy to say you know how things are. Unfortunately, when I know for a fact that you are full of crap and I’m 15 to oh… 40 years younger than you, I feel that you should not even talk to me. Call me cocky, call me arrogant, but if you don’t have anything intelligent to say to me then don’t say anything at all. I love hearing different view points and I simply like to learn but it’s not quite the same thing when I know that what you’re saying only has a small amount of truth to it.
For example: I work at a campground and most of the customers I deal with are retired and traveling in their campers. I think because they see me and I look young they think they automatically know more than I do, because they complain about the government A LOT. And it’s even at like the smallest level. “Prices went up, camping costs two extra dollars, our government just doesn’t understand” Um hello, you’re old didn’t you live through the depression? Sorry, I thought you would recognize an economic downturn when you saw one.
We call it inflation, did you complain when milk was no longer 4 cents a gallon too?
You have got to be kidding me.
I also had a “co worker” tell me today that if we were in Iraq for oppression then we should also save Tibet. That’s funny. As far as I’m concerned, I like having an economy in the States exist. We go to war with China and who the fuck is going to buy our debt? T-bills, anyone? Does nobody understand foreign policy…? This coworker also is one of those who has jumped on the “blame Bush” bandwagon. “Housing crisis, oh that was Bush” Really?
And then its like she sits on a pedestal because she has been to college. *rolls eyes* A major in psychology and theology and a minor in ethics does not make me believe Bush is solely responsible for the housing crisis. I’m not saying he had no part but while we’re at it lets blame aids on him and the California condor being on the endangered species list.
I really do get a kick out of these people. It adds a bit of comic relief to my day and boosts my ego, which I can’t say I really need but I do enjoy the feeling.
-- Kara.
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