Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Twilight Madness!

Call me crazy. I stood in line for over two hours to see Eclipse last night. And despite the waiting, lines, and crazed fans, I actually thought that the movie was pretty decent.

Now, I have never read the books and I don’t own a single piece of Twilight merchandise. So for me to go to the midnight premier seems a little odd, or maybe that’s just me. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of glitter, Wal*Mart “Team Jacob” apparel, and chatty high school freshmen (and way younger). And to tell you the truth, I have no idea why there were so many guys there. Girlfriends? Checking out girls? Which, that’s how you know that guys are automatically the less intelligent of sexes. They go to a movie premier where women go to watch the perfect, less than human, man on a giant screen. We will pay no attention to you because there is a wolf boy with a perfect body right there. I’m just sayin’, guys probably should have planned that one out a little more.

I think the reason why I enjoyed the experience so much is because I am not a crazed fan. Funny story: the people in front of us were slightly hypocritical. The young girls couldn’t have been older than 7th graders and they were with their mothers. Anyway, they’re all dressed up in Twilight Shirts and they have glitter on all over (sparkly vampires) and they’re snapping pictures left and right with their tickets, by the Eclipse poster. Just the totally crazed fans. My friend and I are standing there a little overwhelmed because these people are just all over the place and then they start talking about their friend who last time threw popcorn at the screen and so they get on the subject of how crazy some fans are. (Ironic, right?) They literally said, “and then there were these girls and on one girls shirt it was just a big E and the next was a D and when they stood together it spelt EDWARD”. Shelby turned to me and said “are those twilight freaks making fun of other twilight freaks?” I just nodded and laughed because they so were.

The other thing that I noticed was that ever since the original movie came out everybody has hopped on this blood sucking bandwagon, but I think what entertainment companies and writers fail to see is that we aren’t obsessed with Twilight because Edward is a freakin’ sexy vampire with a thirst for mortal blood, it is because of the love story behind it all. I mean the fluff of the Newborn Army coming to battle is all very interesting…. (okay who cares) but what we wait for 2 hours in line for is the love story, the hopeless romantic in us all wants to be in Bella’s position. That’s why we are all segregated into Team Edward and Team Jacob. duh.

So, I don’t call myself the next Mrs. Edward Cullen, I don’t wear glitter, and I definitely don’t letter my shirts so they spell out EDWARD, but I do believe I enjoyed the crazy people, long lines, and big screened abs last night. Although no more mid night premiers when I have to work the next day, that is for sure.

The line that stretched all the way around the building two hours prior to being seated.

twilight 002

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