Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Twilight Madness!

Call me crazy. I stood in line for over two hours to see Eclipse last night. And despite the waiting, lines, and crazed fans, I actually thought that the movie was pretty decent.

Now, I have never read the books and I don’t own a single piece of Twilight merchandise. So for me to go to the midnight premier seems a little odd, or maybe that’s just me. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of glitter, Wal*Mart “Team Jacob” apparel, and chatty high school freshmen (and way younger). And to tell you the truth, I have no idea why there were so many guys there. Girlfriends? Checking out girls? Which, that’s how you know that guys are automatically the less intelligent of sexes. They go to a movie premier where women go to watch the perfect, less than human, man on a giant screen. We will pay no attention to you because there is a wolf boy with a perfect body right there. I’m just sayin’, guys probably should have planned that one out a little more.

I think the reason why I enjoyed the experience so much is because I am not a crazed fan. Funny story: the people in front of us were slightly hypocritical. The young girls couldn’t have been older than 7th graders and they were with their mothers. Anyway, they’re all dressed up in Twilight Shirts and they have glitter on all over (sparkly vampires) and they’re snapping pictures left and right with their tickets, by the Eclipse poster. Just the totally crazed fans. My friend and I are standing there a little overwhelmed because these people are just all over the place and then they start talking about their friend who last time threw popcorn at the screen and so they get on the subject of how crazy some fans are. (Ironic, right?) They literally said, “and then there were these girls and on one girls shirt it was just a big E and the next was a D and when they stood together it spelt EDWARD”. Shelby turned to me and said “are those twilight freaks making fun of other twilight freaks?” I just nodded and laughed because they so were.

The other thing that I noticed was that ever since the original movie came out everybody has hopped on this blood sucking bandwagon, but I think what entertainment companies and writers fail to see is that we aren’t obsessed with Twilight because Edward is a freakin’ sexy vampire with a thirst for mortal blood, it is because of the love story behind it all. I mean the fluff of the Newborn Army coming to battle is all very interesting…. (okay who cares) but what we wait for 2 hours in line for is the love story, the hopeless romantic in us all wants to be in Bella’s position. That’s why we are all segregated into Team Edward and Team Jacob. duh.

So, I don’t call myself the next Mrs. Edward Cullen, I don’t wear glitter, and I definitely don’t letter my shirts so they spell out EDWARD, but I do believe I enjoyed the crazy people, long lines, and big screened abs last night. Although no more mid night premiers when I have to work the next day, that is for sure.

The line that stretched all the way around the building two hours prior to being seated.

twilight 002

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I am OM

Noon. It is noon. (although I will be posting this much later) And my day has been pretty uneventful, but full of current events. I came to work only to sip a iced caramel macchiato and read over the paper all morning. A lot is going on in the news for a Tuesday, actually, and some of it I just think to myself how stupid people can be.

Example 1.

It was reported that a woman lost around $3,000 to an email scam. Well, that’s new. She thought her friend was requesting money because she was stuck in London and had no way to return home unless she acquired that amount of money. After the request for another thousand dollars the article reported that the woman became “suspicious” of the situation and called her friend who was living in San Diego. Pause. Wouldn’t you do this in the first place? Like the last time I checked London still had phone service, and I’m pretty sure if her friend was sending emails she could have answered the phone. One of the details included was that the woman was 60 years of age. So I thought well maybe she isn’t up to date on all the scams and spam emails, but how could you not question being asked that amount of money? I don’t care how old you are, that’s sorta fishy. I’m just sayin, I probably wouldn’t trust just an email. Any way, the friend in San Diego claimed she had never even left the state of California. Well score for the lady who lost $3,000. Now she’s broke and a fool.

Example 2.

BP Oil. First off, I find the whole situation saddening and not enough is being done. Nobody can get things together, nobody can figure things out. What a mess. But today I read an article talking about how they have lost $1B due to stocks. And all I could think was “really, that is it?” That company, in my opinion, should have tanked by now. They won’t let the local fishermen, who know the area, help, they are making mistakes that are costing a fortune, and even worse they are taking too much time bickering over safety regulations rather than finding even a semi permanent fix. I honestly can’t think of any reason to stay invested in BP Oil. I’m pretty sure they aren’t making a huge profit currently, they aren’t making any great technological gains, and they seem to have little to no organization. I can’t see my money doing any good for that company so I’d just take it out. What a waste, be passionate about what you invest in, they have none.


Ok that was all pretty negative, and I have to have my little bit of hippie for the day so I wanted to show you guys my henna! Last night my friend Kamryn and I started planning our road trip and then ended up doing henna haha. but she’s a pretty sweet free hander. Both of mine she did free hand:


henna1This is the symbol for “om”. ya know, like the sound you make when you meditate? OMMMMM. yeah, that. Om is the whole universe coalesced into a single sound and represents the union of mind, body, and spirit. I thought it was pretty cool. I’m all about the om.  


The henna on the right turned out amazing! It’s just a flower but it looks soooo good! (haha take notice of myhenna2 bracelets). I’m thinking itd be a really cool tattoo too. But I would want the colors to be faded and the flower would be yellow, and the outline red, and the leaf and vine to be an olive green color.  My mom even thinks it’d look good at a tattoo. haha.





So that’s pretty much my day guys! Politics and hippie-ing it up! I’m gonna go to the premiere of Eclipse tonight, not really a fan of the whole Twilight madness but I’ll let ya know what I think!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Remember the Bracelets!

Ahh, it’s noon and I feel like it has been a pretty good morning. I have a lot on my mind and I am pretty sure that I will forget it all by the time I have time to blog tonight.

The dryer has 16 minutes and I figured that was enough time to at least start my post for today. I wasted most of my morning in bed, who needs early mornings on Saturday’s anyways? pfft. But then I realized my uniform shirts are dirty and I need one today. Lol.

Speaking of work, I currently have a full time job and am thinking about acquiring another part time job on the side. I haven’t decided if I am crazy and should just enjoy what little time I don’t spend at work, or if getting a second job would be financially responsible (for college). It’s a hard choice but I think I found a place that is hiring part time, and I guess if the hours work out I’ll go ahead and see if I can handle it. We’ll see. This was sort of an idea I was pondering during the school year but then June happened, but now I’m serious about it.

Okay, so this is what I actually wanted to talk about on my blog today. lol. I realized yesterday that I am such a person of habit. I was such in a rush to get to work I forgot to put my bracelets on. I wear them with everything, everyday. I take them off at night but they go right back on in the morning. I didn’t even realize that I didn’t have them on until I got to work and found myself shaking my hand and nothing was there to make noise or shimmy up my wrist. I automatically became very sad because I knew for the rest of my night I would feel, in a sense, naked without my bracelets. I think they’re cool and really me:

0626001139   The brown beaded looking one is actually made out of coffee beans and I bought in on Union Ave. Most of the profits go to South American kids who are at risk of going blind. I’m not exactly sure what the whole story is about but it was made out of coffee and my love of coffee told me I had to have it, I actually got my mom one too! The middle one you can’t see very well but it just says PEACE all the way around it, I thought it was pretty original and I like the way it looks. I got it at the same store down town. The big peace one I’ve had the longest. I put them on the minute I got out of the shower today for fear I would forget again. ha ha.

Can you tell I have a love for peace? lol. but really, I think I sorta have a hippie vibe. Although, I did have a friend tell me that I can’t be a negatively charged proton and be a hippie republican but I think that is another blog for another day! haha


-- Kara <3

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Midnight Blogging, Morning Paper, and Last Night

I just looked at the clock and realized it was 12:30. Some how it only seems like it is ten o’clock. Oh well, I think summer does that to a person. Even with a full time job and early mornings, I can’t seem to go to bed at a decent time. Ever. Its sort of funny how kids will say all school year long how they’re going to sleep their summer away and when it gets here none of us sleep. haha.

And you know how people are either “morning people” or “evening people”. It has never been clear to me which I am. I don’t like wasting my day away sleeping usually, but at the same time I can’t seem to sleep either. Maybe I’m just a “whatever person”. haha.

Reflecting on the day, I can’t say that much is new. Worked today, oh and I read the paper all morning. I figure since my mornings are fairly quiet at work I’d start analyzing articles every day and I would thus become more aware of current events. Not that I’m not in touch with the news but I have been slipping out of the loop lately.

I posted last night but I didn’t really talk about anything I did. I had a fabulous shrimp dinner with one of my best friends and then wandered around down town all evening. Dinner and downtown is probably my favorite summer activity. Chatting the evening away over frozen yoghurt is almost too perfect. I realized that all of my friends are very different and I’m so thankful for that. I have friends that I hang with to have a good time and forget about things and then I have friends who offer the best advice (ie last night). Holla to Ms. Kacey Schultz for reminding me that being independent is the best thing you can do for yourself!

Love. Summer.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say…

I almost wasn’t going to write tonight but I have a lot on my mind and I think I need to. So I’ve realized that lately I’ve been complaining a lot. I complain about being tired, going to work, my phone not working. Trust me, if its happening I’m complaining about it, and I’m getting so tired of complaining (and I am sure everybody around me is too) and it’s not like  I mean to, and I think a lot of people are that way. It’s just the way society is. We are pretty much born to complain.

All of this literally just came to me as I brought up my blog page but I think what I’m going to start doing is every time I hear myself complain I’m going to make myself say something positive about the situation, and hopefully I’ll eventually just stop spitting out complaints.

Every time I hear somebody whine about something I get so peeved but the truth is I’m not much better. I really want to change that. I figure if I spend as much energy on the positive as I do the negative then just maybe my attitude will improve (I’m more of a glass half empty person).

Anyways, that’s pretty much what’s currently on my mind. Night, web!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hey, guys!

So I’m WAY excited! Today it was officially decided my friend Kamryn and I are takin a “mini” road trip next month, well maybe not so mini…

We’re going to Speech camp in Manhattan, KS and then driving to Wichita to visit some friends of mine. I’m a little scared because this is my first time driving by myself (well without family) out of state, but I’m pumped for the experience. It’s almost like a right of passage. haha. 

I always thought it’d be cool to take a road trip in the middle of July, just you, your best friend, and the open road. Who knows what kinda stuff we’ll find on our way home or even in Wichita.

I know it’s a while away (mid July) but confirming plans about it was the high light of my day and I had to let the net know! haha. Can’t wait to blot it out while I’m out there!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day!

Today is Father’s Day and I hope you all do something meaningful for your daddy! Tonight I plan on making dinner, wayyy better than a card or a gift, the way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach! ha ha.

I think the fondest memories I have of my dad have been on road trips. Every summer when i was little we’d make the long drive to Nebraska, and once we’d get there we’d go shop at this place called ShopCo which is basically like a Target. And it was more of a “mom and kara” thing but he’d always go along. I think what I remember the most is him just being so bored and following us around. He would just pester us all the way around the store and looking back it was a funny.

I also am grateful for our common interest for criminal justice. I had a weekly intro to crim class every Wednesday, and after I’d get done, he’d meet me at Village Inn and we’d eat dinner and have free pie and he’d tell me all the stories of when he worked with the Sherriff’s Office or when he was on Patrol.

He’s a pretty easy goin’ guy and has provided me with everything I’ve ever wanted and needed.

I hope everybody else is enjoying the day with their dad’s!

-- <3 Kara

Friday, June 18, 2010

Communication Is Key

So I’d say that communication in my job is pretty important. (I deal with all the camping at a lake) and if communication is off we have double bookings, angry customers, and other confused colleagues.

Any way, today I had a customer come in and wanted her site changed because she was alone and couldn’t carry all of herself to her site. Usually, wouldn’t be a problem. I’d change the site, she’d pay the difference, it’d all be good. But I found it to be challenging because of the fact that she was deaf. When she first started talking I thought to myself “oh God, this’ll turn out horrible”.

It turned out she read lips very well. I was super impressed because I thought I was going to have trouble understanding her and I didn’t want to be embarrassed and even more I didn’t want to embarrass her.

After we got everything all squared away with her site I started to think of how frustrated she must get because of communication, or lack there of. I mean it pisses me off when people don’t communicate and I can hear everything they are saying. Her patience must be incredible because I’m normally a fast talker (haha).

I guess what I was most impressed with was the fact that she was able to tell me exactly what she needed, while most people who are fortunate not enough to be handicapped with a hearing problem can’t do the same.

That lady, despite not being able to hear had unbelievable communication. I think that anybody who has to overcome some sort of disability automatically has a better outlook on life because they have learned to overcome it in some way or another. I give major props to anyone to who has the patience to live as normal as possible with a disability because I know I would have the hardest time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Is How It Should Be…

I’ve always thought of bloggers as people who sit in coffee shops and sip hot java. What’s funny is I’m proving that very stereotype. And actually it’s a great place to blog…. and sip a extra hot skinny caramel macchiato with no whip.

I think my favorite part is the people watching. I see a lady and her grandkids playing a board game and two old high school friends chatting… and some guy in a suit with coke bottle glasses and suspenders. I’m pretty sure they think I’m lame because 1.) it’s 10 o clock and im by myself at a coffee shop and 2.) I’m looking more around the cafe than I am my computer screen.

It seems like I’ve been people watching a lot lately and it may be because I’m lonely and it may be because I have nothing better to do but really I find human interaction to be very interesting, especially in public. I mean rarely is anybody ever alone. I’m the only one in the place that’s by themselves, and usually when I see somebody by themselves I automatically think that they must be lonely, but sitting here I don’t think I’ll think that anymore. I enjoy the smell of Columbian coffee brewing in the back and the relaxed alternative music muffling the noise of the people at the next table. I enjoy watching the flashy cars zoom down the street, and most of all I enjoy taking it all in by myself. I wouldn’t notice the same things if I were here with friends. Sometimes it’s nice to be perfectly lonely.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And So It Begins…

I’m not sure how many times I have started a blog, but each time I get up to three or four posts I think I could do better or write about something more interesting, so I delete it and start over.

I think that this time, I don’t want to focus on a certain subject or theme or anything but rather just record my thoughts and random daily “adventures”. No matter what I can find one good thing about my day, so I’ll talk about it here!

I guess a little about me: I’m a senior in high school. I love to talk politics and policy so you might here quite a bit about that. Although I try not to be, I think I come off as very cynical. I’m pretty quiet, but that detail is sort of mute for a blog, eh? I love learning and random facts so I watch a lot of travel and history channel.